


當代陶藝重新發現了terra sigillata (赭色粘土) 的美與令人驚豔的現代感。承襲自希臘羅馬陶藝,這是一種尊敬大自然的技法。在慢慢篩出、注入最細緻的原生黏土後,透過重複浸置將化妝土覆於陶器上再用軟布磨亮。燒置950度至1070度之間,將化妝土玻璃化,形成一層僅數微米厚的薄膜。茶碗在這柔軟防滲的薄膜包覆下顯得平滑,讓人不禁想要撫摸。對於喜好色彩的人來說,赭色黏土中豐富的鐵質正好造就了千變萬化的色調。

Contemporary ceramics has rediscovered the beauty and astonishing modernity of terra sigillata, a technique that is respectful of nature and the true heir to Greco-Roman ceramics.

After slowly clarifying and decanting the finest particles of wild clays, the slip is applied to raw pottery by multiple immersions, and is then polished with a soft cloth. Firing at between 950° and 1070° vitrifies this thin layer to the depth of just a few microns, enveloping the bowl in a soft, impermeable skin whose smoothness invites a caress. For lovers of colour, terra sigillata offers an infinity of hues, generated by the particles of iron which infuse the clay.