


現為設計總監的Alvin 20年的設計生涯中獲獎無數,作為首席設計師,作品可見於Wallpaper*Applied ArtsCommunication Arts 以及 HOW Magazine,並獲得許多國際重要獎項的肯定。近年來出於興趣,他創作了許多茶壺,此次則是他第一次以陶藝家的身份參展。

Alvin is a Award-winning design director with 20 years of experience on high profile design projects. As a lead designer, Alvin’s design work has appeared in Wallpaper*, Applied Arts, Communication Arts, and HOW Magazine and received multiple prestigious international design awards. Recent years, he is working as a tea pot potter out of his interest and this will be the first time he is taking part in an exhibition as a cemerist.