
Tsangyi Chiu 邱藏億


Each making of Tenmoku is a singular and silent dialogue. Generally, I require some time to set my mind at peace before initiating the process. Once that tranquility is reached, I can sense with my hands the interaction between the potter's wheel and the clay, collect with my eyes the colors yet hidden in the glaze, and feel with my heart the blazing flames dancing at the heart of the kiln. Each step is carried out with full concentration, as I patiently await the final moment of revelation — this is not just a potter's persistence and enthusiasm, but also a manifestation of profound observation and meditation on the microcosmic composition of the world and its beings.

每一次創作天目,都是一段無聲的對話過程。通常,需要一些時間讓心靈沈澱。用手,去聆 聽轆轤與陶土之間的絮語。用眼,去採擷隱匿在釉藥裡頭的色彩。用心,去感受在窯心起舞 的熊熊烈焰。心無旁騖完成每個步驟,屏氣凝神等待最後乍現的時刻,這不僅是陶人的執著 與癡迷,也是對微塵化聚大地萬物的深層想。