
Steven Branfman


I am motivated to express myself and communicate through my work. I speak the language of clay and Raku is my dialect. Vessels have a volume and an inward pressure that defines the shape. Pots are formed from the inside out and the bottom up with the interior negative space defining the outward appearance. I see the surface of my pots as a skin that defines and com- municates the volume and presence of what is underneath. My surfaces define the shape with textures that expand and grow during the forming process.

I am influenced by the visual elements of the environment; rock faces, cracks in the sidewalk, tree bark, colors of the earth and sand, moss, river beds, waterfalls, sunsets, the undulating path of a mountain range. By the tactile nature of the air and natural and man-made surfaces. By the smells and tastes of the cuisine that we welcome.


我積極地想透過創作溝通、表達自己。陶土是我的語言,樂燒是我的方言。器皿的外型是由 其內部容積以及向內的壓力共同塑造而成。壺是由內往外、由下而上去塑形,內部的空間決 定了它的外觀。我將作品的表面視之為皮膚,以此定義並傳達底下的空間。作品的表面使用 成型過程中擴展和長成的紋理來決定形狀。

我的靈感來自環境中看得到的元素,如岩壁、人行道中的裂縫、樹皮、土與沙的顏色、青苔、 河床、瀑布、日落、山脈高低起伏的線條等。來自空氣的觸感、天然與人造表面的質感。來 自我們喜愛的料理所帶來的嗅覺與味覺。