
Reinhard Keitel


I like working with coarse-grained clay and also with porcelain. The material challenges my creative powers. In the order of the nature I see much that is stimulating and poetic. The poetry of decay, for example. This poetry inspires me. The breaks and splits created by nature are an important theme in almost all of my work. Order, contrast and concentration on the essentials direct my design thoughts. I fire my work in a wood fire or with gas. At 1300 degrees the open fire helps me to shape the surfaces of my work with ash, salt and oxides. Each piece of my work is unique.

我喜歡用粗顆粒的陶土,也喜歡用瓷土。這些材料為我的創作力帶來挑戰。在大自然的秩序 中我看到許多充滿啟發與詩意的事物;例如腐化之詩,這詩賦予我靈感。在我絕大部分的作 品中都以大自然所造成的崩壞與裂解作為主軸。我的設計概念來自秩序、反差以及對於本質 的專注。作品以柴窯或瓦斯窯燒成,在 1300 度的火焰幫助下,我用灰、鹽、氧化物等塑造 作品的表面。每一件創作都是獨一無二的。