
Paula Groote-Versteegen


After 15 year working as a media analyst I followed my passion and retrained myself as a ce- ramist. After finishing the technical ceramist education in The Crabeth College in Gouda in 1995 and the Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in the year 2000, I started in 2002 my Ceramic Atelier in Nederwetten. Since then I make my own work, functional as abstract organic. And I give my passion to others, both children and adults in my lessons. As well in art centre as in my own studio.


在 15 年的媒體分析工作之後,我決定追隨我的熱情所在,轉換跑道並接受陶藝培訓;分別 在 1995 年於尼德蘭高德的 Crabeth College 以及 2000 年於阿姆斯特丹的 Rietveld Academie 完成陶藝技術學程,並在 2002 年於 Nederwetten 成立陶藝工作室。自此開始了自己的創作, 抽象、有機並兼顧功能性。我也將我的熱情透過教學傳遞給其他大人及小孩,在藝術中心與 自己的工作室都有開設課程。