
Odile De Clerck


A chawan is a little world of its own, you can hold in your hands, drinking tea and enjoying its shape and beauty. The creative process is based on being in full contact with myself, creating in the moment and being completely focused. It is a great pleasure and very satisfying to cre- ate from within and see what my hands are shaping from earth. When I am fully aligned and therefore centered in myself little miracles can happen. Feeling this flow and being surprised of this new and unique beauty makes me very happy! It is calming and intense at the same time and nice to share with a good friend!

茶碗本身就是一個小小世界,你可以將它捧在手中、用它喝茶並欣賞它的外型與美。創作過 程中我完全投入自己,完全專注在當下的創作。這樣由內而外地創作,再看見自己的雙手所 塑造出的作品帶給我很大的喜悅與成就感。當一切準備就緒,聚焦在自己身上,奇蹟就有可 能發生。感受到這樣的心流,進而體驗新穎獨特的美所帶來的驚喜讓我感到非常開心!一切 既強烈又讓人感到平靜,可以跟好朋友分享真是太好了。