
Ngai Hoi Kiu 魏凱喬

Hong Kong

Living in a big city, I like to keep an eye on stray cats in the streets and alleys; love to look up the birds, that little bliss is my inspiration! I am good at drawing cats on tableware, using my hands to pinch out various of animals, hoping my works convey the message “be kind to ani- mals”.


活在石屎森林,喜歡留意街頭小巷裡的貓咪;愛仰望鳥兒的姿態,這些小確幸成為靈感。我 擅長在食器上繪出貓咪的圖案,用雙手揑做出動物的形態,希望作品傳達「慈待動物」的訊 息。