
Masahiro Maeda 前田正博


Ceramics with overglaze enamels, gold, and silver Overpowering formative beauty and col- oration technique

Ultra modern shapes and pop coloration. Simple and naïve, rich and gorgeous⋯ Fibrous and sinewy checked textures stiffen the substance of a work and harmonize opposing elements. A wheel-turned pure white ceramic base is scraped by hand; meticulous masking is manually applied; before firing the workpiece is delicately painted with overglaze enamels. Such pains- taking work is actually repeated more than five times before finally the complicated surface effect appears.

釉上彩、金及銀陶瓷 壓倒性的造型、美和著色技術

超現代的形狀和流行的色彩。簡單而天真,豐富而華麗⋯⋯纖維狀及強韌的格子紋理使作品 質地產生協調且對立的元素。手工製作純白色陶瓷胚體;細緻的手工修飾表面;在燒製之前, 坯體會被精細手工塗上釉上彩。如此煞費苦心的工作,需重複了五次以上,最終才呈現出複 雜的表面效果。