
Martina Dielen


Inspired by the Far East, I transform my clay with attention, love, care and years of investiga- tions.
Exploring the clay, forms and glazes to combine in the ultimate piece or small series.
Looking back at my previous work, I can see progress and growth, choosing which road to follow never boring or without obstacles. Which gives me joy and fulfillment. I look forward to meet potters from all over the world and learning new destinations to follow up.

In my latest work I combined different clays and Shino glazes.

受到遠東文化的啟發,透過專注、熱愛、呵護、與多年的鑽研,我將陶土轉化。透過探索陶土、 造型、釉料等,將其在究極的作品或系列中組合。回顧之前的作品,我看得到自身的進步與 成長,在選擇道路時,避開無趣或者無障礙的方向,讓我感到幸福與滿足。我期待與來自世 界各地的陶藝家相會,找到下一條道路的目的地。
