
Marta Murgades


Passionate since childhood about antiques and plastic arts, she trained as a conservator and restorer of works of art, as well as exhibiting her own work from an early age.

Her influence in the world of ceramics is the work of artist Miquel Segura, whom she accom- panied to Taiwan in 2016, falling madly in love with the world of tea, its culture and its people from the very beginning. After that trip all her work leaned more towards the world of porce- lain, playing with the raw material, searching for its transparencies, subtleties and plays of co- lour, leading to an almost always monochromatic enamel.

In her work there is research and experimentation at a technical level, with fusions between different ways of making, producing an unusual impact, resulting in a personal, original and imperfect art.

This is the first time she participates in an exhibition solely as a ceramist.


在陶藝的世界中,帶給他最大影響的是藝術家 Miquel Segura。在 2016 年她與 Segura 一起 來到台灣,就此瘋狂愛上茶的世界以及其文化與人。在那趟旅程之後,她所有的作品都朝瓷器世界靠近:測試新的材質、找尋其中的透明感、顏色變化與巧妙之處,到最後幾乎只用單 一顏色的釉料。

在她的作品中包含技術層面的研究與實驗,也融合了不同的作法來造成不同的作用,最終得 到屬於個人原創、不完美的藝術作品。
