
Maryse Thibaud Boulesteix


Maryse Thibaud Boulesteix 的茶碗將生命注入到物質中以接收茶的精神」- 曾毓慧 巴黎桃花源茶坊主人



“The chawan of Maryse Thibaud Boulesteix animate matter own to receive the spirit of Tea”
Yu Hui Tseng, Tea Master Maison des Trois Thés, Paris

According the essence of Zen and spirit of Taoïsm, each of my “kurinuki” chawan will born.

Fruit of a delicate exchange between the matter, mixed clays and sands of all countries, collected during trips, walks in the nature, and my hands pinching, carving it. Alchemy of peace, calm, tranquility, simplicity, heart and soul, to serve Chadô, Tea ceremony, instant of share, humility, harmony.

No question of beauty forms, just intuition, imperfection, meeting of Univers Energy, all the elements find their place to become chawan.

Then is the power and control of the intense and slow woodfiring in anagama kiln, melting and merging materials and ash glazes of chawan,

just the truth of the instant, play of shadow and light, as “shibumi “ japanese aesthetic.